The LINK for July/August

The latest edition of our Church magazine, THE LINK covering our services and activities over the next two summer months has now been printed and is available to pick up, free of charge, in the Church porch at St Leonard’s. It is also available to download here.

It contains lots of interesting articles as well as information about events and services taking place at St Leonard’s. In particular, we are looking forward to the Thurcaston Handbell Ringers’ visit to our Open Afternoon on 13th July following the success of our Strawberries and Cream tea in June.   Do support this event if you can – all donations are for LOROS.

After a long wait, summer is now here.   All of us at St Leonard’s send our good wishes for your enjoyment of all that it has to offer.

The Link for June

June News

The latest edition of our parish magazine The Link is now available free of charge in our Church. Why not pop along and pick up a copy.

It is also available to download from our website. It contains news and information about all our events and services that are coming up this month.

We trust you will find it useful and informative.


The Bluebell Service

The weather looks good for tomorrow (Sunday 5th May) so put on your walking shoes and join us at 3pm in Swithland Woods for    St Leonard’s Annual Bluebell Service.

It takes place by the Great Pit – follow the signs – (What3words – and donations will be given to the Exaireo Trust which is a Christian charity based in Loughborough for the homeless.

Tea and cakes will be available back at the Church following the service.

We look forward to seeing you.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Following our Holy Communion Service at 9.30am on this coming Sunday 7th April, we shall holding our
starting at (or shortly after) 10.30am

At the meeting parishioners will appoint churchwardens and elect three members of the church to serve on St Leonard’s Parochial Church Council (PCC). We will receive the Annual Report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our church here in Swithland.

April LINK

We are looking forward to our Easter Service here at St Leonard’s and also to the blooming of the bluebells in the Swithland Woods, just like those pictured on the front cover of the April LINK. The magazine is now being distributed to Swithland residents and copies are available to collect from the Church porch completely free of charge.

Inside you will find an interesting article about Canon Anne Horton who was Rector here for twenty years. Rev Colin also raises some interesting questions in his opening message and we would be interested to receive your responses.


Vocations Day

Being called by God doesn’t always lead to ordained ministry. There are so many ways to live out your faith in the life and mission of the church and wider community. If you feel God’s calling you to be or do something, then you might find an answer at the Diocese of Leicester’s forthcoming Vocations Day.

Exploring Calling For Everyone is the chance to think about how God calls us to live out our faith, to recognise our gifts, and to meet others from across the diocese serving their church and communities in a variety of ways.
Seminars throughout the day include caring for our buildings, leading worship, working with children and young people, helping others to deepen their faith, pastoral care, sharing faith, social action and caring for creation.

Revd Liz Rawlings, diocesan Discipleship and Vocations Enabler, says: “We are each called to be ‘salt and light’ in the world, to be bearers of the grace of God in the places and among the people we find ourselves.
“This day gives us the space to reflect on the opportunities and gifts we have to do this, a place where we can be inspired by others who are living their faith in a myriad of different ways and the opportunity to explore how God may be guiding us in our own unique calling.”

Exploring Calling For Everyone takes place on Saturday 10 February, 10am to 3pm, at St Martins House, Leicester.
Click here for more information

Thank You Jeff

Jeff Harrison recently made the difficult decision to step down from his role as Server at St Leonard’s Church. Jeff has served at the altar for fifty-one years and has been instrumental in preserving the tradition of our 8am Book of Common Prayer service throughout this time. He first felt the call to this ministry after experiencing the touch of God at Holy Communion and he has always sought to bring a reverence and holiness to these services. He will certainly be a difficult act to follow.

The PCC wanted to thank him for his dedication and, in recognition of this, Colin Resch recently presented him with a special Long Service Award.

St Leonard’s Angel Festival

St Leonard’s Angel Festival was a great success with a constant flow of visitors over the three days – including over 100 schoolchildren from St Leonard’s Primary School who excitedly searched for their angels and were treated to the story of the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary.

Our thanks to St Leonard’s Primary School and very many others for making paper angels. To all those who have lent their angels and to all those who have given their time, talents and skills in displaying the angels.

The result has been breathtaking and has created a spiritual presence that is difficult to describe in words and impossible to photograph.
It is truly a case of “You had to be here”

Adding lustre to this sense of presence was the work of our artists;

  • Cathy Schou (Angel Wings – in the porch)
  • Erica Middleton (Angel Mother – by the pulpit)
  • John Middleton (Music composed for the event)
  • Michelle Holmes (Gabriel icon – south door)
  • Maggie Moreland (Felt Angels – pulpit window)
  • Hilary Fairbairn (Gabriel – Sanctuary)
  • Janet Lee (Archangel – (south wall)

Our thanks also go to the musicians for the evening of Angels and Light . To Steve Delaforce, Rob Newton and John and Dorothy Pipet. To Jennifer De Hever for her wonderful solo and to Hilary for her marvellous ‘Shepherd’ monologue.

Over the three days of the festival a total of £600 was raised – of which £300 has been sent to Cancer Research UK with the balance going to church funds for which we thank everyone.

Jazz Carols

Our Jazz Choir and a 5 piece Jazz band assembled themselves at St Leonard’s Church, Swithland on 13th December to lead a Service of Nine Lessons and Carols embracing a variety of musical genres including Jazz, Rhumba, Reggae, and Rock. The church was full and it was a delight to see faces old and new! After the Service there was much chat, mingled in between sips of mulled wine and mouthfuls of traditional mince pies. A lot of fun was had  and total of £225 was raised for the benefit of The Children’s Society.
Very well done Choir, Band and all the people in the ‘back office’ supporting and laying on hospitality!

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