Spring Walk – just around the corner

Just a reminder that the Spring Walk around Swithland Woods will take place on Monday 22nd May. We will meet at the Roecliffe Road car park at 10.30 am. There is a £2 charge for the car park and the machine does not give change. As usual our walk will be led by Jerry and there will be a couple of stops for prayer and meditation. After the walk we make our way to St Leonard’s for soup and a roll. The weather will be wonderful!

The Link – April 2023

The April issue of The LINK is now available online.


you will see that our main social event this month is when we welcome the Loughborough Male Voice Choir for a concert on April 22nd. The choir last performed for us when we were raising funds for the Bell Restoration Project and it was a really memorable and enjoyable evening. Tickets are selling well so please do book soon if you would like to come along.


If you have any comments you wish to make, or items you would like to include in a future LINK newsletter, do get in touch via the Contact Us page.

Friday Club Snow Day

It’s snowing this morning (10 March), so we’re not really expecting you to come along to Friday Club today; but Chris and Ali are at the Church and the kettle is on for anyone who does manage to make it there. Keep warm and keep safe.

New Year’s Day at St Leonard’s Church

On New Year’s Day, Sunday 1st January we shall be celebrating the Festive Season with our service ‘Sing a song of Christmas’.

Led by Mr Gary Lee, we shall be singing and learning all about our favourite carols, listening to Christmas readings and poetry, and then enoying sparkling wine and Christmas cake.

We can promise you a joyful start tot he New Year. Do come along and join us.

St Leonard’s School Celebrates Harvest

It was a delight to welcome the children and staff of St Leonard’s CE primary school into Church this afternoon for their Harvest Celebration along with Church members and parents.

The children led the service which included the challenge to consider the food miles involved in getting food onto our plates. We were also encouraged to give generously to the work of the local food bank which provides food for people facing a time of financial hardship. A collecting box is permanently available in the porch of St Leonard’s Church to receive your donations.

Our Acting Rector, Revd Colin Resch shared the parable of the sower and encouraged us to consider seriously the seed that God has sown in our own hearts and to see it grow and bear fruit in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.

Thank you to everyone who came and joined in the service with us, despite the rainfall that greeted us on our way in and out again.

Church Open

Following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I can confirm that our church building will be open for prayer from 9am Friday morning 9th September our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this very difficult time 

Long live the king!

Thoughts and Prayers for Her Majesty the Queen

I was concerned to hear of doctors’ worries for the health of our Queen. Please join me in praying for her and her family at this difficult time.

Here is a prayer that you may find useful at this time:
O God, who providest for thy people by thy power,
and rulest over them in love: Vouchsafe so to bless thy
Servant our Queen, that under her this nation may be wisely governed, and thy Church may serve thee in all godly quietness;
and grant that she being devoted to thee with her whole heart,
and persevering in good works unto the end,
may, by thy guidance, come to thine everlasting kingdom;
through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost,
ever one God, world without end. Amen.

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