Bell Celebration Weekend
What a wonderful time we had at the weekend and thank you to everyone who played a part in the celebrations.
We were pleased that Graham from the Whites Bellfoundry was able to attend for the ‘rope ceremony’. This is the traditional way to mark the end of the restoration project when a new bell rope is passed over to the Church.

There was a perfect start to the weekend celebrations with a successful peal on Saturday morning and an ‘open church’ event later that afternoon with a wonderful display of photographs documenting the restoration project. Thanks were also offered to Mr Marc Wainwright, one of our ringers, who has been ringing at St Leonard’s tower for over fifty years.

There was a special ‘Ringers Service’ at 9.30am on Trinity Sunday and the bell rope was used as an interesting illustration of three in one. The bells were rung in the middle of the service as part of our act of worship which was an especially poingnant moment for our band of ringers and many of the congregation did too.