Re-opening St Leonard’s Church

After a period of lockdown, the PCC is delighted to announce the resumption of public worship at St Leonard’s Church and we hope that many of you will want to join us. Initially, this will be a limited return to gathered worship but we hope that in time, we will be able to expand the offering. Only time will tell.

Sunday 6 September6pmEvening Prayer
(from the Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 13 September9.30amMorning Prayer
(Common Worship)
Sunday 20 September6pmEvening Prayer
(from the Book of Common Prayer)
Sunday 27 September9.30amHarvest Festival
Holy Communion

The numbers attending Church will be limited because of social distancing measures so it would be helpful if you could email our Acting Rector, Revd Colin Resch on to let him know which services you would like to attend. In the case of too many people wanting to attend a particular service we may have to introduce a ticketing system to avoid people being turned away at the door.

For your safety and the safety of others, face coverings must be worn by all who are not exempt from doing so. Please be prepared to queue outside the Church until you are shown to a seat (which may not be your usual one). Strict social distancing between households/support bubbles will be in place. And as much as we would want to greet one another with a handshake, warm hug or a kiss, that won’t be possible either. Please follow the one way system in Church and make use of the hand sanitiser at the entrance and exit of the Church. Currently we are not permitted to sing in Church so our services will not include hymns at this time. We are also required to keep the church doors open throughout the services so you might want to dress appropriately. we are not allowed to serve refreshments after the service and that is probably just as well as access to the toilet will not be possible either.

You may think that these measures will spoil your worshipping experience, but we are so looking forward to gathering in a building that has been a place of prayer and spiritual support in the village for so many people over many years. We would thank you for your cooperation.

While we are delighted to be resuming some of our worship in our Church building, we are aware that there are a good many people who, for one reason or another, do not yet feel comfortable about returning to gathered worship. For this reason we will be continuing with our online worship via Zoom. Please check out the events & services page for more details of all of our services.

Bible Study Group – Surprised by Hope

We will be beginning an online Bible Study Course using material from Tom Wright. The course will run over  six sessions beginning on Wednesday 2 September. It is entitled ‘Surprised by Hope’ and will run on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am and repeated on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. You can view a trailer by clicking on the link below to find out more.

The Bible Study will be held on Zoom and you can access the course by heading to and using Meeting ID: 851-9857-8803 & Passcode: 297673.

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