Raising a Safeguarding Concern
We take our duty and obligation to protect all people extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines and all of our staff and volunteers have been recruited safely and undergone all relevant safeguarding training. However, despite all of our best efforts, it could be that you still have reasons to be concerned or have become aware of current, recent or historic abuse. This page allows you to raise your concerns or report abuse direct to our safeguarding team. A copy of your concern/report is also saved electronically for future retrieval should that be necessary to aid an investigation.
Please remember, if someone is in immediate danger or needs urgent medical attention contact the emergency services on 999 before completing this form. If your concern involves current or previous clergy of our parish, you may prefer to bypass our own team and contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser directly. Visit leicester.anglican.org/about/safeguarding for their contact information.