Coronavirus Update

As a church, we have been extremely concerned by the rapid transmission of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Our prayers continue to be with all of those directly affected and with those who live with health issues that make them particularly vulnerable at this time.

After careful consideration, and in accordance with the current guidance and advice issued by both the Church of England and Public Health England, to help limit potential exposure to the virus we have made the following decisions:

  • Holy Communion will only be offered ‘in one kind’ with immediate effect. Only the priest will handle the wafers.
  • Holy Communion to be received standing (to avoid repeated hands on the communion rail)
  • The shaking of hands during sharing of the peace (where applicable) is to be strongly discouraged and the use of British Sign Language or some other similar gesture to be used instead.
  • The collection plate will not be passed around, instead a plate will be situated at the back of the Church for contributions on the way into Church. This will still be offered at the appropriate time, but the priest will not handle the plate. At St Peter’s, the plate will be removed to one side after being offered. At Christ Church, the person bringing the offering forward for a prayer will then remove the plate to the vestry.
  • Tea/Coffee served after the service will be in disposable cups (of which I have a supply). Biscuits to be offered at the individual’s own discretion.
  • For the time being, service books, Bibles and hymn books can continue to be used.
  • The washing and sanitizing of hands is to continue and is to be strongly encouraged.
  • Should the schools be closed down for an extended period, all our children’s work will also be suspended.
  • Anointing with oil and the laying on of hands for healing will be offered at the discretion of the minister and the individual concerned (both must give consent).

If you have any concerns about these arrangements, please speak to a member of the ministry team or call Revd Colin Resch (0116 429 9946)

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.

Nahum 1.7