St Leonard’s to remain closed
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Leonard’s Church met this week (1st July 2020) to consider the feasability of re-opening for public worship under the government’s guidlines which come into force on 4th July. After careful consideration, it was the view of the PCC that, for the time being, we would not be able to open for public worship in a way that can safely accommodate all those who would like to attend. Therefore, we will be remaining closed for both public worship and private prayer throughout the whole of July and August. The PCC will be meeting again in August to give further consideration to the matter with a view to re-opening in September.
During the continued closure we will, of course, be continuing with our daily online services of Sunday Worship and Morning Prayer. Information on accessing these services can be found on the events & services page of our website.
We will be able to offer small weddings (with a maximum guest capacity of twenty). In order to safely accommodate these weddings, the Church building will be placed into 72 hour quarantine periods both before and after the wedding takes place.
We would like to thank the congregation and the community for their continue support of the church in these difficult and unprecedented times. As you can imagine, this has had an impact on our financial situation too and we would like to thank all those who have been able to contribute to the ongoing mission and ministry of the Church during the Covid pandemic. Further donations can be made by visiting our donation page.