St Leonard’s Annual Meeting
St Leonard’s Church will be holding its annual meeting on Sunday 30th April at 10.30am. The meeting will be held in the Church. At this meeting, parishioners will elect two Churchwardens, two Deanery Synod representatives and three members to serve on the St Leonard’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) for three years. We will also receive the annual report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our Church here in Swithland.
Nomination forms for Churchwarden and PCC membership are available in the Church, by request or on the following links: churchwarden nomination form / pcc nomination form. Completed forms should be returned to Revd Colin Resch before the start of the meeting. If you would like an informal chat about the role of Churchwarden or PCC member, please contact Revd Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946.
Copies of the agenda, previous minutes are available on the following links (the annual report is currently being prepared and will follow soon):
Minutes of the 2022 Meeting of Parishioners