Sadly from Sept ’24 we will lose Rev. Resch as a priest for St Leonard’s as the churches he ministers to in Mountsorrel will be in a different Minster Community group to St Leonard’s.
This means we will no longer be able to offer the wonderful opening page to The Link that Rev. Resch provided.
It’s therefore been decided to maintain the news items but mostly in electronic format. This monthly newsletter will be sent to everyone on the church mailing list, posted on this website and hard copies will be available in the church porch.

If you’d like to be added to our mailing list please contact Mary Toone by sending her an email.

St Leonard’s Annual Meeting

St Leonard’s Church will be holding its annual meeting on Wednesday 4th May at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the Church. At this meeting, parishioners will elect two Churchwardens and three members to serve on the St Leonard’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) for three years. We will also receive the annual report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our Church here in Swithland.

Nomination forms for Churchwarden and PCC membership are available in the Church, by request or on the following links: churchwarden nomination form / pcc nomination form. Completed forms should be returned to Revd Colin Resch before the start of the meeting. If you would like an informal chat about the role of Churchwarden or PCC member, please contact Revd Colin Resch on 0116 429 9946.

View Agenda

View Annual Report

View Minutes of 2021 Meeting of Parishioners

View Minutes of 2021 Annual Parochial Church Meeting


Hayley came to talk to us about her ‘Pilgrimage in Paint’ during our Family Service on 8th September. It was a very interesting talk which was finished off with a lovely video show-casing nearly all of the 80+ churches she’s sketched so far. With 320 churches to sketch in total in the Leicester diocese she’s going to be busy for a while yet.
She announced that she will be releasing a book at the completion of the project so we hope to welcome her back for a book signing sometime next year.
Here’s how she sketched St Leonard’s:

Fond Farewell to Colin

On Sunday 1st September we bid a fond farewell to Rev. Colin Resch as he stepped down from being our acting Priest in Charge as his Mountsorrel Churches will be in a different Minster Community to St Leonard’s.
We all wished him well in the traditional way, with a wonderful cake and glasses of Prosecco.
He will be greatly missed by all at St Leonard’s.


Following our service on 30th June when a member of the Exaireo Trust came to speak to us, we were able to donate £125 towards their work with homeless local people.

At our Open afternoon on 13th July when we were entertained by the Thurcaston Handbell Ringers, we raised £227 for LOROS their chosen charity.

Many thanks to all who so generously gave both their time and money.

Bible Study – John’s Gospel

Bible Study restarts in September with a study of the I Am sayings of Jesus. As preparation you might like to read through John’s Gospel where all seven ‘I AM’ sayings are to be found.

The dates for the course are as follows

Tuesday 24th September at St Leonard’s Church, Swithland
Tuesday 1st October at the Methodist Church, Woodhouse Eaves
Tuesday 8th October at the Baptist Church, Woodhouse Eaves
Tuesday 15th October at St Leonard’s Church, Swithland
Tuesday 22nd October at the Methodist Church, Woodhouse Eaves
Tuesday 29th October at the Baptist Church, Woodhouse Eaves
Tuesday 5th November at St Leonard’s Church, Swithland

All at the usual time of 7.15 for 7.30pm

For more information CLICK HERE

The LINK for July/August

The latest edition of our Church magazine, THE LINK covering our services and activities over the next two summer months has now been printed and is available to pick up, free of charge, in the Church porch at St Leonard’s. It is also available to download here.

It contains lots of interesting articles as well as information about events and services taking place at St Leonard’s. In particular, we are looking forward to the Thurcaston Handbell Ringers’ visit to our Open Afternoon on 13th July following the success of our Strawberries and Cream tea in June.   Do support this event if you can – all donations are for LOROS.

After a long wait, summer is now here.   All of us at St Leonard’s send our good wishes for your enjoyment of all that it has to offer.

The Link for June

June News

The latest edition of our parish magazine The Link is now available free of charge in our Church. Why not pop along and pick up a copy.

It is also available to download from our website. It contains news and information about all our events and services that are coming up this month.

We trust you will find it useful and informative.


The Bluebell Service

The weather looks good for tomorrow (Sunday 5th May) so put on your walking shoes and join us at 3pm in Swithland Woods for    St Leonard’s Annual Bluebell Service.

It takes place by the Great Pit – follow the signs – (What3words – and donations will be given to the Exaireo Trust which is a Christian charity based in Loughborough for the homeless.

Tea and cakes will be available back at the Church following the service.

We look forward to seeing you.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Following our Holy Communion Service at 9.30am on this coming Sunday 7th April, we shall holding our
starting at (or shortly after) 10.30am

At the meeting parishioners will appoint churchwardens and elect three members of the church to serve on St Leonard’s Parochial Church Council (PCC). We will receive the Annual Report and answer any questions you may have about the life of our church here in Swithland.

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